It is! And how amazing!
I will let you in on them soon, but for now, I just really wanted to say something else first. What I wanted to say is that:
(1) Ten Minutes Tops now has its own domain!
You may now access this blog via this URL: But, yes, you can still access it via the old URL with the blogpot reference, no problem. But if you have in any way linked me in your blogs or websites, I prefer that you use the new domain. And if you haven't, would you kindly pretty please link me? :) I am happy to return the favor. :) Thanks!
(2) Ten Minutes Tops now has a Facebook Fan Page!
You may also hear from me or about this blog, or interact with other readers on this blog (for whatever purpose you see fit, as long as it's legal, hehe) via the blog Fan Page. And thanks to the help of my loyal friends and family, I was able to quickly secure my own Facebook Fan Page URL. It is: :)
And there are other things about me, this blog, and my goals that are getting me excited really. I will tell you more about them as they come. I have missed blogging here for a few days now since I had a weekend trip to Mt. Pulag (tell you about it next time) and it's been busy. But just so you know, I have never missed thinking about this blog, every ten minutes... tops! :)
Have a great day
Book Recommendations:
You Can Heal Your Life
Heal Your Body A-Z: The Mental Causes for Physical Illness and the Way to Overcome Them
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